• Golfer hitting tee shot-using dm golf tee


    I have played golf for 10 years and during that time my swing had improved a little and all of my equipment had been upgraded... Except my tees!

  • Not a castle tee dm golf multi coloured height indicators

    Castle Tees

    Ever since I started playing golf I had always used multi-coloured castle tees because they offered a consistent height on every kind of shot.

  • The Upgrade

    Although I always loved my trusty old pink castle I felt like I wanted an upgrade, but didn't want to lose the comfort in castle tees, so I looked for a solution...I was shocked to find that there wasn't one, so I thought I would fill the gap.


Welcome to DM Golf home of Not A Castle Tee. Not A Castle Tees innovative design incorporates the height markings and colours of castle tees. We aren't reinventing the wheel we are just making it spin faster.

Look professional even if you don’t have the game to match it,not a castle tee will make you look like you can play. You will feel more confident whist teeing it up when you ditch castle tees, not to mention improve your strike. Make the switch today, more reasons to below…

By choosing DM Golf tees, you're not just opting for a superior product; you're also enhancing your overall golfing experience. The consistency offered by our tees allows for more accurate drives, giving you a competitive edge. Moreover, the convenience of not having to constantly search for or replace tees means you can focus more on the game itself.

Lastly our tees are bamboo which is sustainable, fast growing and absorbs more CO2 than traditional trees! So ditch the castles and make the switch today, did I mention the extra 10 yards you will probably get.